There is a lot that goes into making your business successful, from your products and services to your employees. While that all may be obvious, there are other aspects of your business that you may not realize affect your success and how customers view your company. If you have a storefront, the appearance alone can catch the attention of potential clients. But the appearance can also have an affect on the tone and theme of your company.
There are many different ways to update and improve the appearance of your business, but today we are going to focus on one aspect in particular. We are going to take a look at paint. We’ll look at how it can affect your business, and possibly change your success. When it comes to your business, you may think about the appearance based on the setup, the signage, the logo, and how clean your store is, but you most likely rarely think about your paint.

Paint has a way of transforming your company and the entire appearance. It can accentuate the style you are going for, inspire your employees, or even make your business look old and worn out. This is why paint is an important aspect in your businesses appearance.
At JC Toland Painting, we offer many different painting services including commercial painting. We can help paint any business from your offices, to a boutique, or even franchise outlets. We have the equipment, knowledge, and capabilities to paint any and all type of businesses and commercial properties. Our skilled team at JC Toland Painting understands how beneficial painting can be, both residential and commercial. To learn more about how your business could benefit from a new coat of paint, read on, in this blog we will give you many reasons!
Changes Perception
The way your business is painted can change the way your customers and employees look at your business. We will stay focused on the customers for now. If your business is a new and fashionable boutique, having old and peeling paint may give your business a completely different vibe and have your customers thinking that it is an old vintage shop or a shop that doesn’t see a lot of business. A freshly painted business can tell your customers that your business is reliable and welcoming, which may help you get more business.
The style of your business will greatly affect the appearance and decor. Some businesses may benefits from the old and peeling paint look, but only it is done right. JC Toland Painting offers textured applications and well as special finished to help you get the exact style and look you want and need for your business. Other businesses may be improved by adding a design to the walls, adding some graphics or other detailing. JC Toland Painting can help with this as well.
Perhaps you own an Italian restaurant and want a mural of a rustic Italian countryside painted on one of the walls in your business, well, at JC Toland Painting, some of our staff are experts at detailed and decorative painting like this. We can help you get the look you want for your business style, helping to add to the overall brand.
Match Your Business
This is sort of similar to style, but we are going to talk about it separately. Depending on what type of services or products your business offers, you can choose a paint color that matches. This is a good idea for every business, but if you have recently just rented out a new storefront, it is important in creating your brand. Think about what your business is and match the paint color to this.
A law office should stick with a neutral and earthy color, like beige. Painting a law office purple would be weird and clients would likely not take you seriously. Paint a bookstore with a relaxing and inspiring color, like a light green or blue. A smooth shop would benefit from being painted bright and vibrant colors. A yoga studio should be a calming and peaceful color, light green or light blue would be great choices. You want to paint your business location to match the actual business, this will help make customers see you as more legit and feel more comfortable in your space.
For The Employees
Paint has a subtle way of affecting how we feel and think. In a previous blog, we took a look at the best paint colors for the different rooms of your house and how they could affect mood as well as other things. Well your home is not the only place where paint matters. In your business, paint color matters as well and can offer many different benefits to your employees. Keeping the colors a little more muted and not so vivid and bright can help keep your employees more focused. Bright and bold colors can be distracting, causing your employees to lose focus more easily. Pick lighter tones to help keep employees focused on their work!
Paint also has the ability to increase productivity and boost morale. Coming into the same place everyday to sit at a desk for eight hours can become demanding and exhausting. But when your employees come in to see a new paint color, the difference in the environment can help to boost their morale which can also help improve productivity. Certain colors can help to reduce stress, improve focus, and increase productivity, our painting experts can help you find the perfect paint color for your business and employees.
More Professional
If your business meets with a lot of clients, you will want to give off the impression of being professional, even if your business is not completely formal. Having a professional company means you have to look and act professional, and your employees are not the only part of that. If clients come into your business and see old, scuffed, chipped, and worn out paint, they will not get the impression that you are a professional business. A quick coat of fresh paint can help renew the walls and give you office a more professional company that is ready for business.
There are many different reasons to paint your business. Whether the paint is old and chipping or you just want something new, a fresh coat of paint can work wonders for your company. At JC Toland Painting, we can help you with so many of your painting needs, from residential to commercial. Our commercial painting services include everything from interior and exterior painting to special finishes and textured applications for all types of commercial properties. Schedule a free estimate today and contact us with any questions you may have!